Stride offers one on one personal training in our boutique style wellness center located in the heart of Union Square. We pride ourselves on creating a safe, supportive environment that promotes each client’s progress to moving and feeling better. All training is under the guidance of our team of physical therapists and nationally certified personal trainers who will effectively create a program based on your activity history, needs, lifestyle and goals. Whether you are transitioning out of therapy from an injury, physically deconditioned, or simply need recuperation from your desk job, we are here to help.
- Muscular support for everyday activities
- Improved posture
- More energy
- Improved digestion and sleep patterns
- Reduced risk of injury
Specialized Areas Offered
- Functional strength training
- Senior strength and conditioning (65 and over)
- Balance and coordination
- Agility
- Kettlebell technique
- Plyometrics (jump training)